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The Service Selection Board is an organization that conducts interviews and selections for officers in the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. The service selection board assesses candidates’ suitability using a standardized protocol of evaluation system. The SSB Interview Process or Selection takes place over a 5-day period. Various tests and tasks are administered during these five days to evaluate the candidacy of the eligible candidates. The SSB interview consists of two stages of testing. Only after passing Stage A testing does a candidate advance to Stage B testing.

Candidates applying for the NDA, NDA Foundation, CDS, and Air Force must obtain the minimum qualifying marks in both the written test and the Officer Potentiality Test. Candidates applying for the Air Force must also pass the Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) and the Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT). The PABT Test is only for candidates whose first choice is the Air Force. PABT is also organized for all SSB-qualified candidates, with Air Force as one of the options.

The prime aim of selection system in SSB is to explore the potential of a candidate, which is must for becoming an officer in armed forces. In order to be fair, the system consists of three different and independent techniques. Each technique grades and evaluates the qualities which are essential for defence services by allowing least time and under stressful condition, which is the practical requirement for an officer during emergencies like wars.

Age limits , Sex And Marital Status Eligibility

  • For IMA : Unmarried male candidates with age between 19 to 24 years only are eligible.
  • For Indian Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates with age between 19 to 22 years only are eligible.
  • For Air Force Academy : 19 to 23 years (Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot Licence issued by DGCA (India) is relaxable upto 26 years.) only are eligible.
  • For Officers’ Training Academy : (SSC Course for men) Male candidates (married or unmarried) having age between 19 to 25 years only are eligible.
  • For Officers’ Training Academy :(SSC Women Non-Technical Course) Unmarried women, issueless widows who have not remarried and issueless divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible; they should have age between 19 to 25 years.

SSB Centres Names And Their Location

Services SSB Center Location Name of SSB Center
Army Allahabad, UP Selection Centre East (SCE)
Bhopal, MP Selection Centre Central (SCC)
Bangalore, KA Selection Centre South (SCS)
Ropar, PB (proposed) Selection Centre North (SCN)
Navy Bhopal, MP 33 SSB, SCC
Bangalore, KA 12 SSB, SCS
Coimbatore, TN Naval Selection Board (NSB), Agrani
Visakhapatnam, AP NSB Visakhapatnam
Air Force Dehradun, UK 1 AFSB
Mysore, KA 2 AFSB
Gandhinagar, GJ 3 AFSB
Varanasi, UP 4 AFSB

Service Selection Board (SSB) Interview Process


On the reporting day reaching at SSB area , the batch formation and documentation will be held . Each candidate will allotted a chest number and he will have to wear it throughout his stay at respective SSB centre.


On day 1 of the SSB interview candidates must face the screening test. Two rounds are conducted under this:

  1. OIR Test
  2. PPDT (Picture Perception & Description Test)
  1. OIR (Officers Intelligence Testing) : The first test conducted in the SSB interview is Officer Intelligence Rating Test. OIR test is a written exam consisting of approximately 45-50 questions consisting of simple linguistic, reasoning, logical, analytical, aptitude, and mathematical questions to test the common sense of the candidates. Candidate will be given 17 minutes for each booklet.
  2. Key Points of OIR

    • The questions asked are comparatively easy when you compare them against other competitive exams such as Banking and SSC, but the major factor here is time management.
    • There is no negative marking for both tests that are conducted in this phase.
    • In addition to this, taking a watch is not permitted inside the testing area.
  3. PPDT (Picture Perception And Discussion Test) : The aim of the PPDT is to test the communication abilities of the candidate. Generally, a blurred image with a theme is shown to the candidate for 30 seconds, and they are asked to frame a story on the image from their perspective.

    Then, candidates are given a certain time for this exercise and post that they are segregated into a group of 10 to 15 members approximately for the group discussion. This gives them the opportunity to sit and discuss with their group, but every candidate has to present their own perspective in front of the board.
    This day is very important for everyone. Those candidates who clear this round will stay for the further days of the Interview and the rest of the candidates will be sent back home.


  1. TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test) : There will be 12 picture will be shown along with a blank page at the last . picture will be blurred and lack in quality pixels . each image will be shown for 30 sec and candidate will be given 4 minutes and 30 sec to write a story based on pictures ,as they want to understand candidate’s imagination and interpretations.
  2. WAT (Word Association Test) : In the series of Psychological Tests at SSB, the Word Association Test is the second one after the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). It is a quick test that lasts for 15 minutes. WAT is a test of personality and thoughts in which candidates are required to write a sentence based on the word given. It includes 60 words that appear one after the other for 15 seconds on a projector screen.
  3. SRT (Situation Reaction Test) : A booklet of 60 situation will be given. Candidate are suppose of write a response to that situation. Time allotted will be 30 minutes.
  4. SDT (Self Description Test) : Self Description test in SSB is one of the Psychology tests and it is conducted to test what you think about yourself and the way people around you see you as an individual. In other words, this is often a test to bring your traits and qualities out from you and check what sort of person you’re.

Day 3 & 4 - GTO

The Group Testing Officer (GTO) is a key figure in the SSB assessment process, and their primary role is to evaluate the candidates’ ability to work effectively as part of a team, their leadership potential, and their overall officer-like qualities. The GTO conducts a series of group tasks designed to test the candidates’ psychological and team skills in varying situations.

GTO Process:
  1. Group Discussions (GD)
  2. Group Planning Exercises (GPE)
  3. Progressive Group Tasks (PGT)
  4. Half Group Task (HGT)
  5. Group Obstacle Race (GOR) or Snake Race
  6. Individual Obstacles (IO)
  7. Command Tasks
  8. Lecturette
  9. Final Group Task (FGT)


In the Personal Interview round, Examiners are unfastened to invite any questions, it could be associated with your personal lives or perhaps from topics as properly, etc. Well, you need to respond lightly to each question. There are right hints to appear, act and respond in the SSB Interview. Learn the whole lot approximately the Interview and be capable of cracking it.
The convention day is largely a check or activity. This is the day while you’ll be instructed your result. All the applicants who clean the Interview will continue for in addition stages of selection. Most possibly that might be a medical examination.

For Fee Structure & Course Duration and other details

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